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WILDWOOD, MO -- May 11, 2017 -- The City of Wildwood announces starting June 15, 2017, all zip codes assigned to Wildwood will be identified with Wildwood as the default city.  This represents a big change for Wildwood, which has a total of 7 zip codes, 5 of which are shared with nearby municipalities.  The City has long sought to be an identified municipality under a zip code.


On May 2nd, Wildwood obtained agreement from the United States Postal Service, USPS, to take the following actions that will identify Wildwood as the corresponding city for its zip codes:


·       First, the two zip codes that serve only Wildwood locations, 63038 and 63040, will now automatically identify Wildwood as the default city. 


·       Second, the remaining five zip codes that are shared with other nearby municipalities will be identified as Wildwood when the plus-four exchanges assigned to Wildwood are used.  These include 63005-xxxx, 63011-xxxx, 63021-xxxx, 63025-xxxx and 63069-xxxx. 


“I am glad for our residents that the USPS has agreed to move forward with these changes,” said Mayor Jim Bowlin.  “The current system creates a lot of confusion, and detracts from the many unique and valuable things that make up Wildwood – this is great news.”  


ABOUT WILDWOOD –Wildwood is one of the largest cities in St. Louis County and Missouri, in both population and land mass.  It is the third largest municipality in Missouri geographically, and is known as a premier destination in St. Louis County for planned land-use development.